ServiceTop is a professional service selling marketplace where service providers and users/customers can create free account. Service providers can add their services for free and users/customers can hire them. Admin will earn through commisions from service providers when they will be hired by customers for a particular service.
This system was made using the popular Laravel php framework. Strong security was maintained during the development and there is no sql injection, xss attack, csrf attack possible.
ServiceTop has the following features.
The installation of this script is super easy. If you can install normal php based scripts on your server, you can install our script. We will tell you how to install this script step by step on a server.
If you extract the zip file, you will find a total of three folders and one file.
The folder names are: 'all version,' 'documentation,' and 'main_files'. The 'main_files' folder contains the main Laravel source code and 'database.sql' is the main database file.
1. Login to your hosting's cpanel using the login information. You will see an interface like this:
2. You will get a search section in the cpanel. Search there by writing the word "database". You will get some options. Click on "MySQL® Database Wizard" option.
3. Then in Step 1, you will have to create a database. In the text field, give your database name and click on next step.
4. Then in Step 2, you will have to create a database user. Give your username and passwords here. Then click on "Create User" button.
5. Now a permission page will come. Just check the tick mark on "ALL PRIVILEGES" and you will see all the options will be automatically checked.
6. Click on the "Next Step" button in the bottom.
1. In the search field of your cpanel, write the word "file". You will get a "File Manager" option. Click on that option.
2. Search for the "public_html" and go into there.
3. Now go to the folders that you got after extracting the main zip and compress the folder "main_files" using any software like winrar.
4. The zip file will be like this.
5. In the cpanel's "public_html", upload this zip file.
6. You will get an interface like this.
7. Drag and drop the zip file here or just click on the "Select File" and select the file from your computer. You will see a progress of uploading file. Wait until it is finished.
8. After finishing the upload, you will see a green bar. It indicates that upload is successful.
9. Now close the upload window. In the public_html section, press on "Go" button to refresh the page. Then you will see the zip file in the right side.
10. Do right click on that file and select "Extract" option.
11. Press on "Extract Files" button.
12. It will take only a few minutes. After finish, you will get a window like this.
13. Just close this window. Then double click on the "main_files" folder and go into there.
14. Now click on the "Select All" from top section.
15. Click on the "Move" option.
16. Delete the "main_files" from the box. Only keep this "/public_html/". Then click on "Move Files".
17. Now, click on "Up One Level".
1. Download any FTP client on your computer like "FileZilla". Search on Google by "FileZilla" or go to
their website to download:
2. Use the first option to download
3. After download, install it and open. The interface will be like this:
4. You can collect your FTP information contacting your hosting provider. Or, going to cpanel, you can create your FTP. In cpanel, search for "FTP".
5. Put ftp username, password in the form. Become sure, you delete the marked box data in the following image.
6. Click on "Create FTP Account" button.
7. Your FTP information will be like this:
FTP Host: {your hosting provider will give you host
FTP Port: 21
FTP Username:
FTP Password: {that you gave
while creating the FTP}
8. Now in filezilla put those information and click on "Quickconnect" button.
9. If connection is successful, you will get an interface like this:
10. Now in the left side box, go to the location where you have extracted the script's file. And in the right side, go to public_html.
11. Then right click on the "main_files" from left side box and click on "Upload". All the files then will be uploaded into the "public_html" of the right side.
1. Log into your Envato Market account. - Click here go envato marget
2. Hover the mouse over your username at the top of the screen..
3. Click ‘Downloads’ from the drop-down menu..
4. Click 'Download' next to the item for which you need the purchase code.
5. Click ‘License certificate & purchase code’ (available as PDF or text file).
6. Here is an example of a PDF License certificate and purchase code:
1. Now go to your website "".
2. Enter your purchase code here and press the check button to verify it.
3.Ensure that your server meets the following criteria. Press the 'Next' button to proceed to the next step.
4. Setup Your Database from here. Press the 'Setup Database' button to proceed to the next step.
5. Fill Up all information and create an Admin Account. Press the 'Create Account' button to proceed to the next step.
6. Setup App Name. Press the 'Save Config' button to proceed to the next step.
7.1 Setup Mail SMTP.
7.2 OR You can skip Mail SMTP.
8. Setup complete. Press 'View Dashboard' to go to the admin dashboard or 'View Website' to go to the website.
Your task is done and you can use our script without any problem. :)
You will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:
The default credentials of the script are:
Login Email:
Login Password: 1234
Login Email:
Login Password: 1234
Login Email:
Login Password: 1234
Admin can go 'Manage Settings > General Settings' for managing site settings like site currency, Logo, Favicon, Defaul Image, Site Color, Timezone etc.
Recaptcha settings can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting > Google Recaptcha". See:
To get your recaptcha keys, go to this link:
Select version 2.
Add your website's domain name or subdomain name here and after submit you will get a site key and secret key.
Tawk Live Chat settings can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting > Live Chat Setting". See:
Theme color setting can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting > General Setting". See:
Preloader setting can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting > Preloader Setting". See:
Payment methods can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Payment Gateway option". See:
Email Templates can be set up from the admin panel to send email in your preferred format. Go to "Email Manager > Email Template".See:
Clear Data setting can be set up from the admin panel. Find a option in side bar "Clear Database". If you want to use the software from scratch, you have to select this option. You do not need to remove the existing data one by one. See:
Admin Can Manage Service provider in this system where admin can make service provider as a featured. can send email form there. can disabled that provider
Admin Manage user in this system where admin can send email form there. can disabled that user
The script can be translated using the language option in the sidebar. Go to "Manage Language" from sidebar. You can also change the menu text using this option. Admin can set all menu text from 'Navbar text', Admin can set all website text from 'Website text' and can set all notification text from 'Notification text', See:
When service provider create service then admin can approve the service so that the service show in the frontedn
For each service, admin can see the details of service to accept the service Request from Provider.
In that review link Admin can control over review:
From Here admin can Manage any blog that is posted on frontend
Admin can create category for service in the system.
Go to "Manage Bookings" From here Admin can manage user bookings. Admin can see booking details or admin can delete any time he wants.
For maintaining Frontend data go to Frontend side menu. From here admin can create page. Can assign sections for that page.
Admin can add 'Custom Section' for Custom page Data
Admin can create blog category and faq category for blogs and faqs. Admin can go to 'Frontend -> Blog Category' to create Blog category and 'Frontend -> Faq Category' to create Faq category
After creating the pages then admin can create sections data Go to "Frontend > Manage Section"
After go to section then admin can update any sections data
After clicking 'Add Element' Admin can create that sections data.
Admin can see withdraw logs and create withdraw methods from here with "Manage Withdraw" of the sidebar.
Admin can see all transaction from "Transaction" of the sidebar.
Admin can see all the subscriber and can send mail to the subscribers.
Just fill up the form and an email will be sent to provider's email. He needs to verify it. After verify he can login to the system.
If a user does not confirm his registration, he can not login.
In the login page, there is a link to reset the password if provider forgets the existing password.
After login, provider will see his dashboard.
Provider can edit his profile from left sidebar.
Provider can change password from the left sidebar too.
In that section service provider can create service, edit service, service schedule for service
From here service provider can create, update his schedules
From here service provider can view his service bookings , details about bookings
From here service provider Withdraw his earnings from service. Go to "Withdraw > Withdraw Money" from the side bar
In this menu service provider can get all Transaction logs
User can login from this page
In the login page, there is a link to reset the password if user forgets the existing password.
After login, user will see his dashboard.
After Login User directly go profile page. Without Updating profile he can not do anything
In this section User can show all his bookings including pending,completed, In progress.
After Booking accepted by Service provider then User can pay the bills for service
Paypal Payment Page with Payment Preview
Stripe Payment Page with Payment Preview
Bank Payment Page with Payment Preview
After Booking a service user can communicate with Service Provider via chat option
This is where user can get all Payment Information for a service
If you need any help from us, you can contact via our support email:
Our support will reply within 24-48 hours.
01: After download the script from codecanyon you can get a zip file. After unzip the file you can total 3
folders and 1 file.
Inside the 'all version' folder you can see version list.
02: For update any version go to the version folder and you can see a "" file.
03: Now goto your server and root project directory. Create e new folder, the name of folder is "update".
04: Inside the 'update' folder you need to upload the "" file.
05: Now extract the zip file.
06: It will take only a few minutes. After finish, you will get a window like this.
07: Now click the reload button.
08: Then double click on the "update" folder and go into there.
09: Now click on the "Select All" from top section.
10: Now Click on the "Move" option.
11: Delete the "update" from the box. Only keep this "/public_html/update/". Then click on "Move Files
12: Now go to your "".
13: If your script version is less then version 1.5 you have to add new code ".htaccess" file. The code is "RewriteRule ^update - [L]". For add this code go to project root directory, open ".htaccess" file and past this code.
14: Now you can see our version wizard.
15: In this page you need to click the update button step by step.
1. Now go to your website "".
2. Enter your purchase code here and press the check button to verify it.
1. Log into your Envato Market account. - Click here go envato marget
2. Hover the mouse over your username at the top of the screen..
3. Click ‘Downloads’ from the drop-down menu..
4. Click 'Download' next to the item for which you need the purchase code.
5. Click ‘License certificate & purchase code’ (available as PDF or text file).
6. Here is an example of a PDF License certificate and purchase code: