
Skillgro LMS - Learning Management System

Skillgro is a comprehensive Learning Management System (LMS) tailored for instructors and educators. It allows educators to create, manage, and sell their online courses. Skillgro provides a seamless platform for offering interactive online courses. Designed with real-world educational needs in mind, Skillgro is equipped with a wide array of features to support the growth of your online education business in just a few hours.

Developed using the Laravel PHP framework, Skillgro guarantees robust security, protecting against SQL injection, XSS attacks, and CSRF attacks, ensuring a safe and reliable learning environment.

Skillgro has the following features.

Key Features

Admin Features

Instructor Features

Student Features

Payment Methods

The installation of this script is super easy. If you can install normal php based scripts on your server, you can install our script. We will tell you how to install this script step by step on a server.

If you extract the zip file, you will find a total of three folders and one file.

The folder names are: 'all version,' 'documentation,' and 'main_files'. The 'main_files' folder contains the main Laravel source code.

Creating Database using Cpanel

1. Login to your hosting's cpanel using the login information. You will see an interface like this:

2. You will get a search section in the cpanel. Search there by writing the word "database". You will get some options. Click on "MySQL® Database Wizard" option.

3. Then in Step 1, you will have to create a database. In the text field, give your database name and click on next step.

4. Then in Step 2, you will have to create a database user. Give your username and passwords here. Then click on "Create User" button.

5. Now a permission page will come. Just check the tick mark on "ALL PRIVILEGES" and you will see all the options will be automatically checked.

6. Click on the "Next Step" button in the bottom.

Uploading Files using Cpanel

1. In the search field of your cpanel, write the word "file". You will get a "File Manager" option. Click on that option.

2. Search for the "public_html" and go into there.

3. Now go to the folders that you got after extracting the main zip, then go to the "main_files" folder. Select all the files and folders and compress them as a zip file using any software like WinRAR.

4. The zip file will be like this.

5. In the cpanel's "public_html", upload this zip file.

6. You will get an interface like this.

7. Drag and drop the zip file here or just click on the "Select File" and select the file from your computer. You will see a progress of uploading file. Wait until it is finished.

8. After finishing the upload, you will see a green bar. It indicates that upload is successful.

9. Now close the upload window. In the public_html section, press on "Go" button to refresh the page. Then you will see the zip file in the right side.

10. Do right click on that file and select "Extract" option.

11. Press on "Extract Files" button.

12. It will take only a few minutes. After finish, you will get a window like this. Press on "Close" button.

How to find your purchase code

1. Log into your Envato Market account. - Envato market

2. Hover the mouse over your username at the top of the screen..

3. Click ‘Downloads’ from the drop-down menu..

4. Click 'Download' next to the item for which you need the purchase code.

5. Click ‘License certificate & purchase code’ (available as PDF or text file).

6. Here is an example of a PDF License certificate and purchase code:

Verify Your Purchase code

1. Now go to your website "".

2. Enter your purchase code here and press the check button to verify it.

If your purchase code verification is successful, proceed to the next step for checking server requirements.

3.Ensure that your server meets the following criteria. Press the 'Next' button to proceed to the next step.

3.1: Warning: If your server doesn't meet all the requirements, you can't proceed to the next step:

4. Setup Your Database from here. Press the 'Setup Database' button to proceed to the next step.

4.1: To install a fresh project, toggle the 'Fresh Install' button. By default, select 'With Data' to add dummy data to your database.

4.2: If Database Not found then show an Warning.

4.3: If Database Not empty then show an Warning.

4.4: On Toggle yes to clean database. Press the 'Setup Database' button to proceed to the next step.

5. Fill Up all information and create an Admin Account. Press the 'Create Account' button to proceed to the next step.

6. Setup App Name. Press the 'Save Config' button to proceed to the next step.

7.1 Setup Mail SMTP.

7.2 OR You can skip Mail SMTP.

8. Setup complete. Press 'View Dashboard' to go to the admin dashboard or 'View Website' to go to the website.

Congratulations! Your task is done and you can use our script without any problem. :)

01: After download the script from codecanyon you can get a zip file. After unzip the file you can total 3 folders and 1 file.
Inside the 'all version' folder you can see version list.

02: For update any version go to the version folder and you can see a "" file.

03: Now, go to your admin dashboard and navigate to 'Settings >> System Update.' Next, upload the update ZIP file here

04: After successfully uploading the ZIP file, you can see this

05: Now, click the "Start Update Process" button.

06: Now you can see our version wizard.

Installing this addon is super easy. Just follow the steps below where we will guide you through the installation process step-by-step.

Download the zip file.

Then Navigate to the Settings from Website sidebar.

Congratulations! Your task is done and you can use our script without any problem. :)

You will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:

The default credentials of the script are:

Admin Login

Login Email:
Login Password: 1234

Student Login

Login Email:
Login Password: 1234

Instructor Login

Login Email:
Login Password: 1234

Admin Section

To create a new course from your admin dashboard your have to go to "Manage Courses >> Courses". See:

Then click on the "Add New" button See:

Fill your basic course information and click on "save" button. See:

Now Fill more information of your course and save it. See:

Now you are ready to create chapters for the course click on "Add new chapter". See:

Give your chapter anem. See:

Now you can add lesson to that chapter click on this "+" button then select "add lesson". See:

Fill the lesson information and save it. See:

Same way you can create Quiz's also. first click on the "+" button then select "add quiz" this time. See:

Fill the quiz information and save it. See:

Now we need to add some questions to that quiz. click on the "+" button then select "add question". See:

Fill the question informations and save it. See:

and like that you can create as many chapters, lessons, quizzes as you want.

Now you are ready to publish your course. Click on "Finish". See:

Now change the course status to "Published" and you are done. See:

For create course category you have to go to "Manage Courses >> Categories". See:

After that click on the "Add New" button. See:

Then fill the category information fields and save it. See:

Add Sub Category

To add sub category click on this button on parent category. See:

Then click on "Add New". See:

Fill the data and save. See:

To delete a item you can click on the trash button. See:

And confirm the deletion. See:

Add Translations

To add a translation for the category, go to the edit page and click on this button. See below:

Here you can see all the available languages (you can create more language from the settings). See:

Now you can select a language and click on "Add Translation" to generate auto translation or you can do it by your self by typing. See:

To create a new course language, follow these steps. See below:

After that click on the "Save" button. See:

To manage course reviews, go to "Manage Courses >> Course Reviews". See below:

We have a certificate builder module that allows you to update the course certificate according to your needs. To find it, go to 'Certificate Builder'. See:

Enter all the information. Yes, you can change the background of the certificate as well as the signature. After making all the changes, click on 'Save'. See:

To manage Instructor Badges, go to "Badges". See:

Create Blog Category

Go to "Manage Blogs >> Category List". See:

Create Post

Go to "Manage Blogs >> Post List". See:

Translate Post

To Translate, go to edit page of the post that you want to translate.

Here you can see available languages

Click on this for generate auto translation:

Make your changes and click on "Save".:

To manage your orders, go to "Manage Orders >> Order History". See:

For more details and to update the status, go to the view page. Click here.

To Update the status, you can use this module:

To print the invoice, click "Print" Button.:

Then click on the "Save" button.:

Here, you can view all your pending orders.

To manage your site coupons, go to 'Manage Coupon >> Coupon List'. See:

Manage your withdraw methods from here. See:

To create a new withdraw method. See:

To check your pending withdraw request, go to "Withdraw Payment >> Withdraw List" . See:

To check and manage your instructor requests, go to "Instructor Request >> Request List". See:

To accept or reject the request. you can use this module here:

If you want to modify Instructor request form field, go here:

You can manage students and instructor users from here. See:

To see the details. See:

You can control everything of a users from here. See:

To manage your location/countries, go to "Location >> Countries". See:

To create a new country. See:

To change your site theme, you have to go to "Appearance >> Site Themes". See:

From here, you can select your theme. See:

In production, make sure to disable the 'Show All Home Pages' button; otherwise, it will display all the home pages in your navigation bar. See:

From here, you can toggle your home page sections on and off. See:

From here, you can change your theme colors. See:

To change the contents of your home page sections, go to the 'Section' drop-down. See:

You can mange your brands from here. See:

To create a new brand. See:

To manage your custom pages got ot "Page Builder". See:

To create a page. See:

To create a page. See:

This is your page link. You can use this link in the Menu Builder to create a menu item, which will then appear in your menu. See:

You can manage your FAQ from here . See:

You can find your general settings from "Settings >> General Settings". See:

To change your logos, go to "Setting >> General Setting >> Logo & Favicon". See:

To change your maintenance image, go to "Setting >> General Setting >> Maintenance Mode". See:

To change your commission setup, go to "Setting >> General Setting >> Commission Setup" and put your commission percent per sale. See:

Google reCaptcha can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting >> Credential Setting >> Google reCaptcha". See:

To get your reCaptcha keys, go to this link:
Select version 2.

Add your website's domain name or subdomain name here and after submit you will get a site key and secret key.

Google Analytics can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting >> Credential Setting >> Google Analytic". See:

Google Tag Manager can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting >> Credential Setting >> Google Tag Manager". See:

Google Tag Manager Data layer can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting >> Marketing Settings >> Google tag manager data layer". See:

Facebook pixel credential can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting >> Credential Setting >> Facebook pixel". See:

To get your facebook app id. Go to this link and create a new app:

Social Login credential can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting >> Credential Setting >> Social Login". See:

To get google credentials. go to this link and create a new app :

Tawk Live Chat can be set up from the admin panel. Admin can be enable and disable live chat option. Go to "Setting >> Credential Setting >> Tawk Chat". See:

To get your tawk live chat link . goto this link add your website's domain name or subdomain name here and after submit you will get a tawk live chat link.

Amazon S3 credential can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting >> Credential Setting >> AWS cloud storage". See:

#How to Create an S3 Bucket

#How to Create a Bucket Policy

This AWS IAM policy is resource-based. To grant access to other AWS accounts or IAM users for a bucket and its contents, use a bucket policy. Object permissions apply only to items created by the bucket owner.

Begin by selecting the bucket.

Go to the "Permissions" tab and click "Edit" in the "Bucket Policy" section.

Copy the Bucket ARN and then go to the "Policy Generator."

Modify the statement using the ARN you copied earlier."

Generate the policy document."

The policy will be generated in JSON format. Copy it and paste it into the Bucket Policy tab, then save. Before applying the bucket policy, make sure "Block all public access" is unchecked in the Permissions tab.

Go to the "Permissions" tab and Scroll down to the "Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)" section, click the "Edit" button and paste in the following code:

        "AllowedHeaders": [],
        "AllowedMethods": [
        "AllowedOrigins": [

#AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Service

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) provides detailed control over access within AWS. It allows you to specify who can access which services and resources, and under what conditions. IAM helps manage permissions to ensure minimal access and efficiently handle both authorized and unauthorized resources. It's designed for organizations with many users or systems using AWS products, centralizing the management of user credentials and permissions.

#How to Create an IAM User

If you don’t have an existing user, create a new one and add a bucket policy to permit the IAM user to upload to an S3 bucket.

Wasabi storage credential can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting >> Credential Setting >> Wasabi cloud storage". See:

#Log in to the console to create a new user.

Sign in to the Wasabi Management Console and head over to the Users section

Then, click the "Create User" button

Enter your preferred username into the field to create a user. Check the Programmatic (create API key) box from the Type of Access field.

After that, hit the Next Button.

Then click on Next (Please note that you can optionally create a group and assign it to your user at this phase).

The third step is to choose a Policy. By choosing a user policy, you can control user access to buckets.

We strongly advise choosing the AmazonS3FullAccess policy to ensure everything functions as planned.

(Note: If you want to limit access, you can add necessary adjustments to the user’s policy later.)

Once you have chosen the”AmazonS3FullAccess” policy, click on the Next button.

A dialog box confirming the username, access type and policy of the new user will appear. If everything appears in order, select the Create User button.

Now you’ll get a new Access Key and Secret Key as indicated by red arrows below.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to find the Secret Key later from this screen. To save the secret key, make sure you have downloaded the keys in a CSV format using the Download CSV button.

Note: Without downloading and saving the CSV file, you can’t retrieve your Access Key and Secret Access Key again. So, save the file carefully in private storage.

#How to Create an Bucket

Go to the Bucket section. and click "Create Bucket."

Enter a unique bucket name, choose a region, and then click the "Next" button.

Configure "Bucket Versioning" and "Object Lock" as optional settings, then click the "Next" button.

Configure "Bucket Logging" as an optional setting, then click the "Next" button.

Configure "Object Replication" as an optional, then click the "Next" button.

Add "Tags" as optional, then click the "Next" button.

Click the "Create bucket" button to create the new bucket.

#Set up bucket policy

Any internet user can access a bucket for public access. The ability to read items from the bucket is included in this. Make sure a bucket you make public doesn’t contain any private information. To enable the Public option you can log in to the Wasabi Console Dashboard and then navigate to the Buckets menu to proceed further.

Select the three vertical dots for the bucket you're working on, then click on Settings.

Then go to the Permissions tab.

In this field, you have to insert a set of codes. Copy the following code snippet and paste it into the black field.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
        "Sid": "AllowPublicRead",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {
            "AWS": "*"
        "Action": ["s3:GetObject", "s3:GetObjectVersion"],
        "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name/*"

Remember to insert your bucket name in the marked portion of the code. Here, our inserted bucket name is "skillgro".

After inserting the code and bucket name click on the "Save" button.

SMTP Email can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting >> Emai configuration >> Setting". See:

Email template can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Setting >> Emai configuration >> Email template". See:

Manage Language go to "Setting >> Manage Language". See..

To Create a new language

To change translations

SEO setting can be setup from the admin panel. Go to "Setting >> SEO setup" from sidebar. See:

Clear Cache setting can be manage from the admin panel. Go to "Setting >> Clear Cache" from sidebar. See:

Clear Database setting can be manage from the admin panel. Go to "Setting >> Clear database" from sidebar. If you want to use the software from scratch, select this option. You won't need to remove the existing data manually. See:

Payment Method can be set up from the admin panel. Go to "Settings >> Payment Method" from sidebar. See:

To get your paypal client id and secret id, goto and create a new app and show app details See:

To get your Stripe credentials, goto

To get your razorpay credentials, goto

To get your flutterwave credentials, goto

To get your mollie credentials, goto

To get your paystack credentials, goto

To get your instamojo credentials, goto

To manage multi currency go to "Setting >> Multi Currency". See..

Before creating an admin, it is necessary to select a role. The main admin can add additional admins to the system, and the main admin's account is hidden. Other admins cannot delete the main admin, but the main admin can delete other admins created within the system. Go to "Setting >> Admin & Roles". See:

Contact Message can be manage from the admin panel. Contact message save in database enable or disable system available here. Go to "Contact Messages" from sidebar. See:

Subscription email can be manage and send mail from the admin panel. Go to "NewsLetter >> Send bulk mail" from sidebar. See:

Admin can update personal information and password from topbar. See:

User Section

To check your order history, go to "Order History". See:

To check enrolled courses . See:

To check your reviews, go to "Reviews" . See:

To check your quiz attempted . See:

To update your profile information. See:


It's easy to register as an instructor just normally register an account . See:

Then log in your account.
After logging in to your dashboard, click here:
Submit the form with necessary information.
After submitting, you will need to wait for admin approval.
After approval, you will receive an email. Then, you will be able to see the instructor dashboard link here:

To create a new course from your Instructor dashboard, your have to go to "Courses". See:

Then click on the "Add Course" button See:

Fill in your basic course information and click the 'Save' button. See:

Now, fill in more information about your course and save it. See:

Now you're ready to create chapters for the course. Click on 'Add New Chapter'. See:

Save your chapter. See:

Now you can add lesson to that chapter click on this "+" button then select "add lesson". See:

Fill in the lesson information and save it. See:

Similarly, you can create quizzes. First, click on the '+' button, then select 'Add Quiz' this time. See:

Fill in the quiz information and save it. See:

Now we need to add some questions to that quiz. click on the "+" button then select "add question". See:

Fill in the question information's and save it. See:

And like that you can create as many chapters, lessons, quizzes as you want.

Now you are ready to publish your course. Click on "Finish". See:

Now change the course status to "Published" and you are done. See:

To set up Zoom credentials, go to the "Zoom Live Settings" in your Instructor dashboard. See:

To set up Jitsi credentials, go to the "Jitsi Settings" in your Instructor dashboard. See:

Now you can add live lesson to that chapter click on this "+" button then select "add live lesson". See:

Fill in the lesson information and save it. See:

To request payout from your Instructor dashboard, you have to go to "Request Payout". See:

To create an announcement for your course . See:

To check your sales history, see:

To change your profile setting. See:

Conclusion Section

Demo creatials are:

Admin Login

Login Email:
Login Password: 1234

Student Login

Login Email:
Login Password: 1234

Instructor Login

Login Email:
Login Password: 1234

Contact for support:
Support Center: WebSolutionUS Support

Our support will reply within 24-48 hours.

Version 2.1.0

NOTE: To update from version 2.0.2 to 2.1.0, you must update your server to a minimum PHP version of 8.2.0.
Added REST API for the student portal.
Added functionality for Admin to create students and instructors.
Added functionality for Admin to verify student and instructor emails.
Moved cart items into the database when a student logs in.
Optimized CSS code.
Fixed an issue with Payment Gateway permissions.
Fixed several security issues.
Fixed minor bugs.

Version 2.0.2

Added system update with chunked file upload.
Added addon update with chunked file upload.

Version 2.0.1

Added recommended sizes for all image inputs
Fixed some minor bugs.

Version 2.0.0

Added Save and manage favorite courses.
Added platform feature extensions with addons.
Added secure video protection.
Added video watermarks for branding.
Faster Speed 20% quicker load times
Fixed some responsive issues.
Fixed some minor bugs.
And more...   

Version 1.7.0

Added two new homepages.
Fixed some responsive issues.
Fixed some minor bugs.
And more...   

Version 1.6.0

Added two new homepages.
Optimized codes.
Fixed some minor bugs.
Fixed some responsive issues.
And more...   

Version 1.5.0

Added two new homepages.
Optimized css codes.
Fixed some minor issues.

Version 1.4.0

Added Amazon S3 cloud storage.
Added Wasabi cloud storage.
Added google tag manager data layer.
Optimized codes.
Fixed some minor issues.

Version 1.3.0

Added Zoom support for instructors for live sessions.
Added Jitsi support for instructors for live sessions.

Version 1.2.0

Added a search feature to the admin dashboard for a better experience.
Added support for course content in PDF, TXT, and DOCX formats.
Added the ability for instructors to view and manage Q&A and replies for their courses.
Added the option for students to attach images in the Q&A to better describe their issues.
Fixed course deletion to ensure all related data is removed.
Fixed profile update issues for instructors and students.
And more...    

Version 1.1.0

Added project Installer.
Fixed tawk Chat Link bug.
Fixed payPal payment bug.
Fixed preloader upload bug.
Fixed default currency status bug.
Fixed demo mode alert bug.
Fixed admin Dashboard logo dimensions bug.
Fixed admin role permissions issue.
Fixed cron job alert bug.
And more...

Version 1.0.0

Initial Release